You have to want it

You don’t need to reach the bottom of the pit to quit drinking alcohol

David Timothy Kelleher
2 min readJan 27, 2021


Drinking alcohol has become so ingrained in today’s society. It seems we cannot do anything social without alcohol being involved. To say you don’t want to drink, many times is not an option.

If you feel that drinking is causing you a problem, there seems to be few people you can turn to who will understand you — the world out there doesn’t want to know. “Don’t take my drink away!”

But that’s ok because it’s the world inside that really matters — how you feel.

Society in general makes us believe that if you feel the need to stop drinking, then you must have a serious problem with alcohol. So we continue.

I decided I wanted to stop drinking when I saw how much time it was taking over my life. I wanted that time back, and now that I have it I feel great.

I wouldn’t say I had a serious problem with alcohol. You don’t have to, to want to stop, but for many people it takes reaching the bottom of the pit to discover this.

It takes some time to realise that alcohol does not do you any favours at all. This realisation is very important in setting you on a path of self-learning and discovering that you actually do not want to drink alcohol.

